Graffiti: Art or Vandalism Essay examples - 1453 Words.
Many people consider graffiti art as vandalism, yet graffiti murals consist of the same qualities of famous paintings exhibited museums. Graffiti murals are art for several reasons. Graffiti art murals can bring beauty to areas that are depressing. There are many suburban areas in Los Angeles that are in need of appealing images, such as murals.
The move of graffiti art from the streets to the gallery was heralded in its first major museum exhibition at the Boymans-Van Beuningen in Rotterdam in 1983 and graffiti art in galleries has been continually growing ever since (6) Some galleries are even claiming that by putting graffiti art in galleries, it will help stop the vandalism on the street.
Graffiti Persuasive. One common objection is that graffiti is not art because it is vandalism and hence a criminal act. While it is true that it can be vandalism and a criminal act, these facts would not seem to have a bearing on its status of being art. The mere fact that something is illegal or classified as vandalism hardly seems sufficient to make something fall outside of the realm of art.
Graffiti: Art And Vandalism. Art is an expression of human creativity and imagination, but sometimes society doesn’t accept this definition and rejects it all together. A truly relevant category of this topic is graffiti art. Graffiti art is more than often considered vandalism opposed to something pretty to look at.
Unauthorized graffiti is not an art because firstly, it is vandalism to graffiti on walls, trains, houses etc and secondly it encourages little children to vanda. Graffiti is NOT art!
The Essay on Art Crimes Graffiti People Street. Struggling through poor articulation, here's an attempt to argue against the dominant view of society on the subject of street vandalism -- which I like to call habitat re-decoration -- expressed nicely by an anonymous conservative web-site: Graffiti is a crime.
Vandalism has become a serious problem of modern society. Writing an essay on this issue is a great way to make students think of such bad behavior and its consequences. This essay can serve you as an excellent paper example on the problem of vandalism.