Students Win Hannon's 'There Ought to be a Law.
For our first essay — pun very much intended — John Paul Brammer writes about the unexpected reverberations of a high school essay contest. The first time I won something — really won something — was my sophomore year of high school. I'd technically won things before, but I don't count them. Winning carries narrative heft.
This publication outlines the approach that the Commissioner of Competition is taking in enforcing the promotional contests provision of the Act. The guidelines contained in this publication are intended to help the general public, business people and their legal advisors to better understand section 74.06 of the Act and the general approach taken by the Competition Bureau to enforce that.
Publication: After submission and review for rule compliance, each essay will be posted (within 10 business days) in the FQXi Community Forum, under the category 'Essay Contest: Wandering Towards a Goal’, along with each author name and bio. Thereafter, the author and interested readers (including FQXi Members, other contest entrants, and the general public) are invited to discuss and.
To enter the contest and win a scholarship, you don’t even have to be a pro writer. All you need is a bit of creativity and who knows, maybe you will be our next lucky winner. We are confident that there are so many young talented writers out there, and we want to give you a chance to show off your skills and win.
There ought to be a law against Anyone who takes offense At a day in your celebration cause we all know in our minds That there ought to be a time That we can set aside To show just how much we love you And Im sure you would agree It couldnt fit more perfectly Than to have a world party on the day you came to be. Happy Birthday to you Happy.
The Maine State Police are investigating whether a Maine woman broke the law in a recent essay contest to give away her 210-year-old inn, Sergeant Michael Johnston of the State Police’s special.
How are these “submit essay ,win a home “ scam legal!? There seems to be another one of of those “submit a essay on why you’re deserving of a million dollar home with 20 dollar attached to it.